

Ergonomic Training

Do you implement ergonomic training sessions to prevent musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) at your organization? If so, how would you describe them? How do you...

Ergonomics awareness training

In the ever-evolving landscape of workplace safety, the challenges posed by ergonomic injuries stand as significant obstacles for managers across industries. Due to the...

WearHealth Risk reduction monitoring
Discover How AI and Wearables Revolutionize the Manual Workforce, Reducing Injuries, Costs, and Enhancing Workplace Safety in 3 steps....
AI, Exoskeletons, Exosuits, ergonomics and Analytics

  What if AI could find the best workforce augmentation solution for specific manual tasks?   Technology cannot substitute in-field testing or expert feedback,...

Exoskeleton implementation roadmap, best practices, and metrics. Even if there is no silver bullet for exoskeleton implementation, they can be successfully integrated into daily...

What are the top challenges faced by organizations that want to implement digital solutions in Human Resources? Human Resources is typically an area with...

What is the current state of exoskeletons to support heavy-duty workers? Occupational exoskeletons are gradually becoming a mainstream topic among industrial stakeholders. Nowadays, the...

What are the top challenges faced by operations managers nowadays? The pandemic has changed the world, and thus, new challenges have arisen. Operations managers...